Make Rescue Dogs' Life Possible
and Your Life Colorful
How about starting a new life with rescue dogs?
We will deliver a blissful time with rescue dogs to those who have difficulty owning their own dog, due to housing conditions or busy schedules.
Let's share happiness with the rescue dogs together!

What kind of dog can you meet?
Rescue dogs that are managed and trained by veterinarians and trainers are waiting for your support!
Buddie Dog

CED (Chief Executive Dog)
Girl born in 2020
At the beginning of my adoption, I was very scared. But now I'm a sweetheart and I love people. After I meet you three times, my heart will open up and I will get excited. You might get a face-licking attack from me?!

COD (Chief Operating Dog)
Girl born in 2020
Contrary to my wolf-like appearance, I'm like an idol. You will be amazed at my friendliness and fluffy hair. Even at our first meeting, I will greet you as if we are reuniting after 10 years, saying "I wanted to meet you!". I'm curious Kuma!

CXD (Chief Experience Dog)
Boy born in around 2019
I'm very friendly and calm. I love taking naps, so you will be lucky to witness me being excited! I'm kind to both children and the elderly, and it's my routine to say hello to everyone I meet during a walk, including people and dogs.