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【Collab Event🏉】Let's Go Hiking with Dogs🐟

Wed, Nov 23



AFL Mirais ずのコラボ䌁画🏉🐟 等々力枓谷をバディドッグず䞀緒にハむクしよう Let's go hiking in Todoroki Valley Park with rescue dogs! ---------- むベント利益の党額が、保護犬のケアや新たなレスキュヌ費、䌁画䞭のシェルタヌ蚭立費に充圓されたす。 All profits from this event will be used for the care of rescue dogs, new rescues, and the establishment of a new shelter ---------

【Collab Event🏉】Let's Go Hiking with Dogs🐟
【Collab Event🏉】Let's Go Hiking with Dogs🐟

Time & Location

Nov 23, 2022, 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM

䞖田谷区, 日本、〒158-0082 東京郜䞖田谷区等々力䞁目


About the event

(English follows)

🐾 こんな人におすすめ

  • 運動䞍足が気になる
  • 自然に觊れたい
  • 玅葉を楜しみたい
  • 保護犬たちずふれあいたい(里芪募集䞭の犬も参加予定)
  • オヌストラリアンフットボヌルプレむダヌず話したい!

🐾 むベント内容

  • オヌストラリアンフットボヌル女子日本代衚チヌム Japan Miraisずコラボ䌁画🏉🐕
  • 保護犬たちず自然あふれる等々力枓谷をお散歩&ピクニック🐕‍🦺
  • 保護犬たちずの自由なふれあい(里芪募集䞭の犬も参加予定)

※ 小雚決行、倧雚䞭止(前日倜たでにご連絡いたしたす。)

🏉 Japan Mirais

 日本オヌストラリアンフットボヌル協䌚(AFL Japan)に所属する女子ナショナルチヌム。2019幎4月に発足し、それ以降日々成長し、様々な目暙を達成し続けおいる。



All profits from good sales will be used for the care of rescue dogs, new rescues, and the establishment of a new shelter.


🐾 Recommended for

  • People who want to hace some exercise in the nature
  • People who want to enjoy the autumn leaves
  • People who want to snuggle rescue dogs (an adoptable dog will also be participating)
  • People who want to get along with Australian football players!

🐾 Event Contents

  • Collaboration event with Japan Mirais, the Australian women's national football team 🏉🐕
  • Enjoy hiking and picnic with rescue dogs in Todoroki Valley Park
  • Snuggle with rescue dogs

🏉 Japan Mirais

 A women's national team affiliated with the Australian Football Association Japan (AFL Japan), the team was established in April 2019 and since then has continued to grow and achieve various goals on a daily basis.

The current goal is to have a full squad (22 players) by 2024 in order to compete in the International Cup in Melbourne, Australia.

💜All profits from the event will be used for the care of rescue dogs, new rescues, and the establishment of a new shelter.💜

Membership Offer
Buy a membership and get up to 30% off this event at checkout


  • Participation Ticket🥀🍪🥪

    (English follows) 以䞋の特兞付きの参加チケット ①サンドむッチなどの軜食 ②ドリンク(お茶/コヌラ/ゞンゞャヌ゚ヌル/ペリ゚) ③犬たちずシェアできるおや぀ -------------------- むベント利益の党額が、保護犬のケアや新たなレスキュヌ費、䌁画䞭のシェルタヌ蚭立費に充圓されたす。 --------------------- Participation ticket with the following items ①Light meal (sandwiches etc.) ②Drinks (tea/cola/ginger ale/perrier) ③Snacks to share with dogs -------------------- All profits from this event will be used for the care of rescue dogs, new rescues, and the establishment of a new shelter. --------------------

    +Â¥25 ticket service fee
    Sale ended
  • 【20%off👕】Ticket🥀🥪🍪 w/ T

    以䞋の特兞付きの "お埗" 参加チケット ①BuddiesオリゞナルTシャツ黒/癜 ②サンドむッチなどの軜食 ③ドリンク(お茶/コヌラ/ゞンゞャヌ゚ヌル/ペリ゚) ④犬たちずシェアできるおや぀ -------------------- むベント利益の党額が、保護犬のケアや新たなレスキュヌ費、䌁画䞭のシェルタヌ蚭立費に充圓されたす。 --------------------- Participation ticket with the following items ①T-shirt(Black/White) ②Light meal ③Drinks (tea/cola/perrier etc.) ④Snacks to share with dogs -------------------- All profits from this event will be used for the care of rescue dogs, new rescues, and the establishment of a new shelter. --------------------

    +Â¥110 ticket service fee
    Sale ended
  • 【20%off🧢】Ticket🥀🥪🍪 w/ Cap

    以䞋の特兞付きの "お埗" 参加チケット ①Buddiesオリゞナルキャップ黒/玫 ②サンドむッチなどの軜食 ③ドリンク(お茶/コヌラ/ゞンゞャヌ゚ヌル/ペリ゚) ④犬たちずシェアできるおや぀ -------------------- むベント利益の党額が、保護犬のケアや新たなレスキュヌ費、䌁画䞭のシェルタヌ蚭立費に充圓されたす。 --------------------- Participation ticket with the following items ①Cap(Black/Purple) ②Light meal (sandwiches etc.) ③Drinks (tea/coke etc.) ④Snacks to share with dogs --------------- All profits from this event will be used for the care of rescue dogs, new rescues, and the establishment of a new shelter. ----------------

    +Â¥120 ticket service fee
    Sale ended



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